
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 15, 2010

Hey everyone I'm sorry that i have not been keeping up everyday. In some ways I like to give you the "List" of what is going on. LOL :) So the First day i just relaxed from Jet lag yet i had to learn lots of names. lol If anyone really knows me they know that i have a hard time with learning names. Then the next day we got to visit the school that we were going to have English Camp at. English Camp is where we teach people here in Hungary English words. I got to do my workshop on Nail Designs. Its a great way to talk, and to relate to the people. We also play games and have conversation groups. This is where we talked to the children were their relationship with God was. Also the conversation groups as the theme for the day. Each day has a different theme which relates back to God. So really English Camp is two things 1. English lessons, and 2. VBS. lol To get ready for English Camp each day the team would get up each morning and leave around 10:00 am. We would get to the School by 10:30 or earlier. Then we all would have Group devotions together and get the run down of that days events. After that everyone would go set up games, workshops, and other things that needed done. Then we would have lunch at 11:30 then we would have time after lunch to get what ever else needed done during this time. English lesson started at 1:00pm. at 2:00 was workshops. The workshops included: decorating cupcakes, waffle making, chess, nail designs, making cookies, American dating, ways to get fit, soccer, drums, and world cup fashion. From 3:00 to 5:00 were games and conversation groups. These both went along with the theme for each day. The all over theme was Going West. Dan really made the over all theme relate to God. Then we had dinner. Now all the dinners are all Hungarian dishes. Well kinda. lol During Dinner we would all separate and sit with the campers and talk with them and get to know them. After dinner we would go back up stairs and sing songs, skits, line dancing, more games, and more singing. The Asbury team learned the line dance and taught it to the rest of us. It was very interesting to learn and to watch everyone else learn also. Camp ended at 8:00pm and we would go to where we were staying sleep or watch the world Cup game and start it all over again. The school that we used was the International Christian School of Budapest. It was a very nice building. Although it had no AC so we would walk up and down flights of stairs everyday in 90 degree weather. But the Whole camp was so much fun. The Asbury team, Dustin, the Searls, and I then went on Monday to Vienna. It was an amazing time in Vienna. The Palace was my favorite. to see all the work that went into it is so fantastic. Also to walk around the streets was amazing as well. Oh and to be able to actually get to go into and old Catholic Church (St. Steven's I think it was). WOW! it was amazing. Oh yeah to and from Austria we took a train which was a great experience. Though i didn't know one word the ticket people on the train said to me. lol The Lord has really blessed me to come to Hungary and i thank Him greatly. I Pray that i and a great witness for Him, that i can continue to met people to witness to, and to be able to minister even though camp is done. I also pray that I have enough time and ministry to get all of my internship accomplished. Thank you Lord for your great love and strength! thank you Lord for you compassion and your grace! Thank you Lord for your mercy and forgiveness! Thank you Lord for who you are! Thank You...Thank You...Thank You...Thank You!!!!! May the Lord of Heaven be with me in the last weeks I am here in Hungary.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1, 2010

Hey! sorry i have not blogged yet! However i made it to Hungary! yeah man! Praise all be to God. He really was with me. When i got to the airport i ended up with a delay. That delay made me miss my other flight to Belgium so i ended up taking a flight to London. Though i did spend 2 hours in Chicago. lol Then after i flew into London i spent another 3 to 4 hours in London. Then to Hungary! i arrived here the 28th of June at about 4:00pm the 28th of June Home time. Here it was 8:00Pm the 28th. So there is a 6 hour time difference. Which i am still getting used to. I have been here for a while now. So its so nice here in Hungary!! it was so amazing! I got to meet all different kinds of people who helped me with what i needed to know on plans and airports. I got an amazing welcome by Katy Beth, Kimberlee, Savanna, and Dustin. They are just so encouraging! They bubble with encouragement. They have just been the most amazing people. That includes everyone else in the house. There is also a family of four here and they are amazing people as well. He is a principle and she is a chemistry teacher. Their two are Aaron and Hannah. They so love Jesus and show it so much, Oh, and they love to help others. And the Searls girls are so amazing as well. I think i still have jet-lag for i was up at 2 in the morning and i could not sleep! lol My job right now is to make up a lesson on designed nails (like panted nails with designs on them) and used vocabulary words to teach English. Along with my workshop is an all day kind of VBS type of thing. That is where we get to learn where the students are at knowing who God is. Also i help around the house and help get ready for the English Camp that is next week. So far i have done dishes, cooked, cleaned, and got to meet some Hungarian friends. Actually Julie is a Christian and is Friends with the Searls. Julie invited us to her house to hang out with other Hungarians. This type of action is not at all heard of in Hungary. So it was a great honor to know that she invited us even though that was not part of her culture. Then yesterday i got to meet the Asbury team that is here to help with the English Camp. They are so nice! Then today we got to tour Budapest! it was so much fun! Long but fun! I found out you have to pay to use public bathrooms and there is no paper in the stalls either so i packed my own before we left. :) Oh! the buildings where amazing! i just loved the style. I Just pray that the Lord works in me to be the best witness here in Hungary. Because the felt need for Hungary is English and because of their communist background they do not trust others or open up to others like other cultures do. The people here are so much different then the people that are in Honduras. But i just pray that i can be used and that God will use me to be a great witness! Thank you so much for your prayers they are much needed! In Christ!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

Wow! The last few weeks have been crazy! But in the midst of those crazy weeks the lord has shown me so much and has worked in me. I learned to be flexible. That's just one of the things i have learned. My trip to Grenada was canceled and things were up in the air about what i was going to do for my internship. I had many options to choose from. The lord helped point me to Hungary. So now my trip is to Hungary for about five weeks or so. I leave this Sunday! I'm so excited to go! Though I am not looking forward to the flight and switching planes because this is my first trip on a plane by myself. I know thought that the Lord is with me everywhere I go! I pray that the lord protects me, guides me, and helps me witness to others during my travels and where ever I go. May the Lord bless you! And thank you for your prayers they are much needed!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

Hey everyone! A lot of time has pasted since the last time I have posted. Right now my plans have changed. I am not going to Grenada. God has closed that door. Now I am looking at going to Hungary, Honduras, Arizona, or California. My Adviser for my internship would like me to go oversees for my internship. So that makes my options Honduras or Hungary. As for my funding's I'm not sure if I will need to raise more or not. I Pray that God directs me in the way he would want me to go. So there is a lot up in the air right now. Thank you all for your prayers they are much needed. May the Lord bless you!

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

This morning i got on facebook and found this picture from Diane Bennett the missionary that I will be staying with. This is on her facebook. I thought myself "how cool those very children could be the children i get to work with!" When i saw this picture i got so excited. Children are our future. This Picture is of the children homes in Grenada. I might (most likely) get to work with the youth in Grenada. This is going to be so much fun! May the Lord be with Diane and her husband as they have so much to get ready for.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27, 2010

So today i found out that i only get to spend about five weeks or so instead of eight weeks in Grenada. But its all for the glory of God that i get to go at all. I pray that i get all my internship credits done this summer and hope that i get what i paid for. Which will not be hard to do with God! But the Lord knows what is best for me and my (His) Ministry. The Lord has something great in store for me to learn and experience. May the Lord be with the Missionaries all over the World and most defiantly the ones in Grenada.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22, 2010

Each day brings me closer to the day I leave to go to Grenada. This brings me nervousness and excitement all at once. I tell you though its very interesting to experience! lol The Lord really has blessed me with this trip and MAN I'm so excited. For my History of Missions class i got to do a report on Grenada. Grenada is going to be so amazing! But I still think with all my research i will still be shocked when i get there. Lord i ask that you prepare me for this trip. I also ask that you prepare the hearts of those in Grenada so you can move through out the island. Help us to follow you this summer and the rest of our lives! May the Lord Bless you!